intern on a construction job site receives instruction from mentor on house framing.


实习 and apprenticeships are both great ways to gain experience in the 场 或行业 that you are interested in pursuing a career in.

实习 & 实习的机会


实习 are generally more short-term work experiences designed to help students learn about a career, 公司, 场, 或行业.

An internship is a short-term work experience that helps an individual learn more about a career, 公司, 或行业. 实习 are designed to provide educational experiences related to an individual's career goals. 学生或应届毕业生一般都有实习经历. Some degree programs require an internship as part of the student's course of study. 实习 can provide a student with firsthand career experience and help students gain job-related skills to bridge the gap between higher education and a career. 实习 also help students and graduates build their resumes to show employers that they have experience in their 场 of study.

学生职业和就业中心定期发布本地信息, 全州, 以及全国实习 SJC应聘. 登录 SJC应聘 附上太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的电子邮件地址和密码. 如果您在登录时遇到问题,请通过以下方式与我们联系

与雇主建立联系也能带来实习机会. 一定要查看我们的 事件日历 参加雇主来学校的活动. 学生职业和就业中心每年举办一次职业 & 每年春天的实习博览会,秋天的社交之夜. SJC应聘 也有数百个雇主的数据库可以搜索.

另外,考虑加入 实习池. 当你申请的时候 实习池, we will be able to seek out internship opportunities for you that relate to your major.

The following websites also have various internship opportunities available:



  • 积累经验,打造你的简历. 雇主 are always looking for graduates with the required education and hands-on, 现实世界的经验.
  • 提高你的技能. 在工作中可以学到很多技能. 我们通常把这些称为软技能或与工作相关的技能. 这些类型的技能包括沟通, 团队合作, 处理冲突, 职业道德, 时间管理.
  • 了解. An internship will allow you to test out a career or 场 to see if it is really something you are interested in doing long-term.
  • 扩大你的人际网络. People you meet and work with on your internship will be able to be professional references for you and possibly provide you with letters of recommendation.
  • 未来的工作机会. 许多公司雇佣实习生作为正式员工. If you make a good impression on an employer, it can open a door to employment.

实习 vary in length depending on the specific internship and organization it is with. 实习 can be for a few weeks, a few months, over the summer, or during winter break. Ensure that you understand the duration of the internship so you can plan around your academic schedule.


并不是所有的实习都有报酬. 一些实习提供学分而不是工资. 在申请实习之前,确保你知道它是否没有报酬. Taking on an unpaid internship means you will have to have financial support from elsewhere. 还记得, 你可能还需要考虑到到实习地点的交通费用, 食物, 职业装. Whether paid or unpaid, internships do offer valuable experience as you enter the workforce. 

你要做的第一件事就是准备你的简历. Create a base resume that can easily be tailored to each specific internship opportunity that you apply to. 查看我们的 简历资源 开始写简历吧. 一旦你完成了你的简历,通过电子邮件发送给我们 我们很乐意为您提供反馈. 

制定一个计划,聪明地寻找实习机会. 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的学生实习 & Apprenticeship Coordinator to assist you in developing a plan to prepare for an internship. 

Virtual or remote internships are done entirely via email, online chat, or phone. They typically offer lots of flexibility and remove the necessity of having to live in a certain geographical location. Virtual internships can easily fit into a busy college schedule and allow students to gain experience without having to commute to a specific location at a specific time. 看看 SJC应聘 查看虚拟实习的完整列表. 


学徒制 are longer term opportunities that train individuals in skilled jobs. 学徒制将课堂经验与在职培训相结合. 

Apprenticeship programs combine paid on-the-job training with related classroom instruction. An apprenticeship aims to prepare individuals for skilled occupations while equipping them with the practical experience that employers seek in applicants. 雇主 often ensure that program completers retain employment at an increased wage.

雇主 work with 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 to identify the skills necessary to work in a specific occupation. 在学徒计划的过程中, participants master these skills through a combination of instruction and on-the-job application. 课程长度将根据职业的复杂程度而有所不同. 参与者在接受培训的同时赚取工资. 课程完成者可以获得结业证书, 大学学位, 或行业认可的证书. 通常,雇主会以增加工资的方式留住员工. 

学徒期为一到六年. 学徒期的长短取决于职业模式. 学徒制将教育和工作同时联系起来. Apprentices take classes while they are working, combining theoretical and hands-on learning.


学徒的工资很有竞争力, 入职第一天起的工资, 并且随着技能水平的提高而增加. 请查看 劳动部简报 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站学徒收入和统计数据. 

学徒制可以让你在赚钱的同时学习. 在学徒阶段, you will earn a paycheck and will have pay raises built-in as you increase your skill level. You will learn your trade with hands-on learning coupled with classroom instruction. 学徒制 help you realize your career goals by providing a great salary and long-term career opportunities.

The first step to becoming an apprentice is to determine the trade or occupation you are interested in. 看看 and take a six or 60-question assessment to help you see what occupations might be a good fit for you. 

太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的学生实习 & Apprenticeship Coordinator to see what the minimum requirements are for the program. You will have to complete an application and then go through an interview and selection process. 如果你被选中, you will sign an apprenticeship agreement and registration form acknowledging the terms and conditions of the program.

The important thing to remember when pursuing an apprenticeship is to know the requirements before applying. Some apprenticeships will require that you are at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or general equivalency diploma (GED).

除了填表格, you may need to undergo aptitude or proficiency testing for some apprenticeships. 这些资格考试将测试阅读, 数学, 解决问题的能力取决于项目. 有时,你还必须通过身体状况测试. 并不是每个申请学徒计划的人都会被接受, 一些有抱负的学徒将被列入候补名单, 特别是对于流行的学徒计划.

我们有以下项目被批准为 国家注册学徒计划 穿过新墨西哥州.

  • 商业司机
  • 柴油机械
  • 汽车技师
  • 医疗助理

If you are interested in learning more about these apprenticeship opportunities, 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的学徒协调员,电话:505-566-3220或 

电话: (505) 566-3423


m - f8a.m - 5 p.m